Chromotherapy, also called colour therapy or cromatherapy, is an alternative medicine method. Here colour and light is used to balance energy wherever a person’s body be lacking, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental. The body has seven main chakras, which are spiritual centres located along the spine and are associated with a colour, function and organ or bodily system. As per chromotherapy, these colours can become imbalanced and result in physical diseases but these imbalances can be corrected through using the appropriate colour as a treatment.
Magnet therapy, magnetic therapy, or Magnetotherapy, is an alternative medicine practice involving the use of static magnetic fields. It advocates the principle that, subjecting certain parts of the body to magneto static fields produced by permanent magnets/ electromagnets has beneficial health effects. Magnet therapy is the application of the magnetic field of electromagnetic devices or permanent static magnets to the body for purported health benefits. These benefits may be specific, as in the case of wound healing, or more general, as for increased energy and vitality, since malaise is sometimes described as “Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome”.
Teaching Hours – 200 hours in 1 year ( Theory – 125 hours ; Practicals – 75 hours)